Installation and Setup

Installation and Setup

Installation and Setup

We can install the latest version of Seaborn using pip (Python’s Package Manager).

Open your Command Prompt/Terminal on your computer and paste the following code to install the latest Seaborn version:

pip install seaborn

You can verify whether Seaborn is installed or not by opening a Python environment (for e.g. Jupyter Notebook) and typing:

pip show seaborn

If your installation fails (i.e. you get a Package Not Found Error), verify that you are running Python 3.8+ versions since Seaborn is supported in only Python 3.8+ versions.

📌 Dependencies

  • Seaborn has some dependencies that are required for the proper functioning of the library.
  • Libraries like Matplotlib, Numpy, and Pandas are the mandatory dependencies necessary for the appropriate functioning of Seaborn.
  • Libraries like SciPy, fastcluster, and statsmodels help enhance the features for data visualization.